Thursday 29 April 2010

Right then:

Hello one and all. Wonderful things blogs, wonderful for the cowards who can't be arsed to say these things anywhere else.
It kinda just gives me a bit more space than Facebook or whatever else to just talk wildly into my computer.
As I said, wonderful thing.
I felt the urge to start blogging because my faith in real people has recently begun to wane. People being bitchy, people being stubborn, people being angry, people being mute...
And that's even before I wake up in the morning...
However, as hypocritical as I might sound at times, I do have a point. Recently it seems everyone has been waiting to stick the knife in. It seems for once I've escaped such a punishment, but, if anything, that makes me even more disgusted by it. When it's happening directly to you, you're left with the possibility you're over-reacting. However, with both a retrospective, and a distant view of proceedings, you get a pretty clear view of what's going on. And that scares the bejezus out of me!
I mean, I'll give you an example of the shock I've received recently.
I decide to send a text to someone I've not spoken to in a few days.
"Hello, How're you today?"
"F**k off!"
It's at times like that you begin to think the rest of the human race is a waste of time.
Another example. A friend I've not spoken to for a few weeks, and they have, in that time, gotten a girlfriend. Someone who you could talk to for hours, but now, the biggest thing in their life thus far, you would think, and not a word. Particularly when nothing actually changed.
Both those suddenly leave you think what exactly you can do.
And my decision? Talk to some loyal readers. Type up some interesting nuggets from my mundane life. Read on, and maybe you'll find something to make you laugh, cry, or just go, hmmm.
Times change, and maybe I just need to get used to those people- whom I sharen't name, they'll know who they are if they read this.
But I tell you what, I bet you you'll find anything up here more exciting than the politicians who are bombarding our lives,
Unless one happens to call you a bigoted woman!

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