Friday 30 April 2010

I have a new phone, and I have no intention of using it!

When Mr Telephone invented his ringing communications device, little did he suspect that into the next century, his device would have been evolved not to do what he'd designed it for...
"Mine takes 8megapixel photographs, can play up to 20,000 games and up to 1 Billion songs!"
"So, will you be able to text me back, say, this side of Christmas?"
"Are you mad sir? No technology alive can allow me to do that!"
And so it proceeds.
Life, it would seem, is full of unanswered texts and annoying ringtones.
And that, it would seem, would lead me to politics...
So many questions, and nobody offering a well reasoned answer. Tories have the economy sown up, but have no understanding of "young people"
Lib Dem's seem to avoid any large stereotypes, but in effect they don't have one for being a half decent option, they're just there, looking pretty. Nick Clegg is pretty much a rose, all very well, except he has a Cameron shaped thorn in his side, and that's a problem, he is better than Cameron in person, but not in practice
And Labour, well, that collapsed in on itself like a flan in a cupboard. And who'd have thought it when glittery young Blair was stood there, insisting he wouldn't enter an illegal war...
ok, maybe he didn't do that, but you see what I mean?
We're texting them our concerns, and they seem to have left their phone on the bus, and are receiving our issues through smoke signals
Maybe I should try that instead of trusting the goon on the other end of technology
Now, time for what a blog should be for, commenting on the state of the wider world.
Money seems to be the largest curse. Manchester City and Real Madrid are ruining the sport of football with too much of it. Greece is falling apart without it. Germany doesn't know what to do with its...
And then, on a smaller scale, our bank accounts, and the small part of us that dies inside when we see it.
What positive influence has money got? It stops the strongest people stealing from the smaller and weaker, which, I suppose for me, is a plus point.
But the agony it brings people. Surely it's more worthwhile to use a better system, an exchange maybe, but of trade and skills, not money. If you're good at something, surely that's a way forward?
Potentially, however there's only so many poets, gardeners and bar tenders in the world.
So is there a solution?
The economy just doesn't work if we have too much money apparently,
So maybe that's it. We don't need budgets and taxes, we have builders, we have decorators, we have doctors, we can do up the NHS without some useless shaved monkey in a suit telling us he'll do it if we give him power for half a decade...
So remove Parliament, rise a republic, do it ourselves, and don't vote for politicians, it only encourages them...

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