Thursday 29 April 2010

Start the revolution, facebook's rubbish, politics is rubbish, the world is rubbish

We'll level this country I say!
Now i've made my brief misanthrope introduction, I thought we'd get into the nitty gritty.
I thought I'd use this to vent. So let's do just that.
Doesn't life just get on your tits? I mean seriously! Everywhere you turn, there is something that'll piss you off. I mean, is it just me being a grump?
And it's a mixture of big and small things that are out to inconvenience us. For example, when did it become ok for technology to be offered to us, and then not work? Surely that's false advertisement?
"Sign up for our new super duper fast internet connection!"
But a few hours later...
And don't claim it's just me. Some days you just want to walk into Currys with a flamethrower, and torch every git who works there and decides that it's ok to try sell you this malfunctioning tosh!
And to rub salt in our grumpy wounds, it's election season. Oh bloody joy. 3 gormless idiots who talk big and do nothing
What perfect representatives for today's society!
I mean, there are some people who say things like "sorry" and "how're you?" and expect that to be the end of that.
If you say sorry for something, bloody follow it up! People wonder why it's not always enough. Maybe because words don't save lives. You don't cure a paper-cut, broken leg, or anything in between on the scale by chanting incantations!
If you say "y'alright?" Expect to stop and listen on the frequently occurring off-chance that the answer is no, because if you're bothered enough to ask, be bothered enough to console, don't just keep walking on.
And when someone tries to talk to you, and you ignore them, whatever the reason, it's rude! You can go off people you know! And again, people find this complexing!
The same people who vote for Gordon Brown no doubt. And we think he's an idiot? As I said, best representative for Britain in this day and age.
Of course, I'm being unfair to some people. Not everyone is a narrow-minded selfish waste of blood and oxygen.
There are the girls walking round with war paint dousing every inch of skin, wearing low cut skirts and lower cut tops.
"Don't look at my breasts, I'm only thrusting them into your eyeline every other second! What are you freaks? Show some control!"
Perfectly reasonable behavior.
And please, if you have a 6 pack, great for you, but don't go showing it in the middle of a cosy Yorkshire town centre. It makes me want to have you hung drawn and quartered, so I can surgically remove your abdominal muscles and have them implanted into my chest. Bloody show offs.
If you have it, flaunt it, so the saying goes.
If you're good, great. Show us when it matters, like at a tournament if you're a sportsman,
Or in a gym if you're a body builder
you know, around people who might admire you? Aspire to you?
Everyone else who doesn't have an interest in your sport, hobby or dreams, really thinks you're an arrogant git!
People, who'd be one?

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